Ancient Deeds
The Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds in the public Records Office consist for the most part of conveyances of land, but there are also agreements, bonds, acquittance's wills, and other documents concerning private persons, from the twelfth century to the sixteenth.
Some of the deeds relate to the ancient estates of the Crown, others to monastic lands confiscated in the middle of the sixteenth century and some seem to have been brought into courts of law as evidences of title.
Here is a list of Deeds specific to Codnor and district.
Note the different spellings of Codnor, Codnore, Codenore, Codenouere,
A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds:
20th February 1355
A.1858. Grant by John le Gray, lord of Codenore, knight, to Thomas de Brandon, citizen and mereer of London, of his tenement with buildings, shops, &c., thereon which he inherited on the death of Sir Richard le Gray, knight, his father, in Seuethelane in the parish of All Hallows Berkynggcherche by the Tower, of the size and situation specified. Adam Fraunceys, Mayor of London, William de Wolde and John Lytle, sheriffs, Thomas Parle. alderman of the ward. 20 February, 28 Edward III.
Underwritten : Memorandum of enrolment in the Husting of London, Monday after the Apostles Philip and James, 28 Edward III.
C.5342. Grant by Edmund Wriht of Shippeleye, carpenter, and Simon de Shippeley, chaplain, to William de Smalley of Restewayt of a messuage and two bovates of land lying in Langeleye, which they had by the gift of John son of John Warde of Langeleye in the parish of Henouere ; rent, to the chief lords 6d. for all service, saving the foreign service of the king, and also two appearances at the court of Codenouere. Langleye, the eve of St. Barnabas, 6 Richard II.
A.10747. Feoffment by John Zouche of Codnore, esquire, to John Seynt John, Henry Willughby and Thomas Cheny, knights, Thomas Kebell, sergeant-at-law, John Horneby, clerk, Robert Welby, clerk, Richard Burton and Gregory Skipwith of his castle at Codnore, co. Derby, and of all his manors, lordships, &c. in Codnore, Henor, Langley and Loscowe, co. Derby, and Estwayte, co. Notts, for the payment of his debts and the fulfilment of his last will, and thereafter to stand enfeoffed thereof to the use of his heirs; attorneys to deliver seisin: John Clerk and Henry Morton. Witnesses:- John Babyngton, knight, John Strelley, Humphrey Lowe, esquires, Geoffrey Johnson and William his son. 16 May, 15 Henry VII.
Seal, a bird with wings expanded.
A.547. Indenture between Sir John St. John and Sir Henry Willoughby, knts., and Thomas Leeke and Roger Johnson, recoverers of divers lands, &c., of the late Henry Lord Grey. A bargain was made between Lord Grey and John Zouche for sale and purchase of the manor and castle of Codnore, and the manors and lordships of Henor, Losco, and Langley, co. Derby, and of Estwayte, co. Notts, all which Zouche was to have immediately on the decease of Lord Grey; and of the reversion of his lands in Bitame and Castle Bitame, co. Lincoln, and of lands in Essex and Kent worth 100l. yearly, belonging to the said lord, which Zouche was to have on the decease of Katherine, wife of Lord Grey: paying therefor 600 marcs, of which £100. is paid to Dame Katherine, executrix and late wife to Lord Grey, and to the said Thomas Leeke. Thomas and Roger now agree to make to Sir John and Sir Henry (at the cost of the latter) a sufficient and lawful estate of the premises in cos. Derby and Nottingham, and a grant of reversion of the premises in cos. Lincoln, and of the reversion of lands in Kent and Essex, to the yearly value of £100, to have to them after the decease of the said Katherine; Sir John and Sir Henry paying them £300. therefor. 18 August, 15 Henry VII.
Signed: "T. Leeke." Portions of two seals.
Derby, &c. A. 548. Counterpart of the above indenture, signed "per me Henricum Wyllughby." Two seals.
A.10748. Release by Thomas Leek of Screveton, esquire, and Roger Johnson to John Saint John and Henry Willoughby, knights, of their right in the manor or castle of Codnore and in the manors and lordships of Henor, Losco and Langley, co. Derby, and Estwayt, co. Notts. 18 August, 15 Henry VII. Signature of Leeke. Seals. Memorandum of enrolment in the Bench, roll 1, Hilary Term, 16 Henry VII.
A.13484. Counterpart indenture, 21 July, 16 Henry VII, between the king, of the one part, and Sir John Seint John, Sir Henry Willoughby, knights, Thomas Leeke, 'squyer,' one of the executors of the testament of Henry, late lord Grey, and Roger Johnson; 'wher the seid Henry, late lord Grey, in his life willed and declared by his will' that the manor and castle of Codnoore and the manors of Heinnore, Losco and Langley, co. Derby, and the manor of Estwayte, co. Nottingham, should be sold to the king, to the use of his son Henry, duke of York, for 1,000l.; and 'wher the said Thomas and Roger,' at the time of lord Grey's decease, were seised of the said castle and manors to the use of his will, 'and sithen that the seid John and Sir Henry have opteyned the astate of the seid Thomas and Roger' therein, the said Sir John, Sir Henry, Thomas and Roger by these presents have bargained and sold the said castle and manors to the king, covenanting before the 'fest of Seint Marten the Bishop in Wynter,' next to make estate thereof, &c. and to deliver to James Hubert and Thomas Lucas, 'a dede of feffement by the whiche John Zouche squyer enfeffed the seid Henry Willoughby and oder personez of the seid castell,' &c. 'also a dede of releez made of the seid castell,' &c. 'by the seid Thomas Leeke and Roger Johnson unto the seid Sir John Seint John and Sir Henry Willoughby,' enrolled in the 'Comyn Place' in Hilary term last, and all other deeds concerning the premises in their keeping, and copies, &c.; 'for the whiche astate bargayne and sale the seid kyng' 'promyttith to content and pay,' 1,000l. 'before the fest of Seint Andrewe thappostell next.' English. Signatures and seals.
Memorandum endorsed of enrolment on the dorse of the close roll.
20 September 1519
C.7574. Indenture, 10 Henry VIII, witnessing that Christopher Fitzrandolf of Codnore and Jane his wife, daughter and one of the heirs of Cuthbert Langtone of Langton Hall, have granted to Roland Revell of Maunsfeld, all their lands, etc. in Hukenall under Hucthwet alias Dirti Hukenall, near Sutton in Aschefeld, with liberty to buy them back for £8. 6s. 8d. on the coming of age of any heir of their bodies.Endorsed, Inter Revell et Fitzrandall for land in Mancefeld.
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4: 1524-1530
6th October 1527.
Deed of sale by Sir Thos. Denys and Thos. Crumwell to Sir Thos. Cornewaylle, for £200., of the castle and manors of Codnor, Lascowe, Langley, Hennor, and Mylnehowe, Derbyshire;-the castle and manors of South Wytham, Swayfeld, Metryngham, and Saxby, Lincolnshire;-the manors of Stony Staunton, and Sapcotts, Leicestershire;-Towton, Barton, and Ratcliff, Notts;-Hoo, Halstowe, and St. Mary Hoo, with the hundred of Aylesford, Kent;-and Thurrok Grey, Essex;-which they bought from Sir T. Cornewaylle and Thos. Newport on the 6 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.
19th October 1527.
Bargain and sale by Sir Thos. Cornwall, baron of Burford, and Thos. Newport, to Sir Thos. Denys and Thos. Cromwell, of all their lands in Kent, Essex, Linc., Notts, Derby and Leic. Dated-Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.
Corrected draft, pp. 6.
1. A slip of paper attached, containing instructions "to draw an indenture of covenants between you, Mr. Chamberleyn and other, that we may depart with all our interests of all castles, honors, manors, lands, tenements, rents, reversions, services which Henry late lord Grey of Codnor was seised of;" and to make an article "what persons shall be bounden to save us harmless, since the decease of dame Katharine late wife unto the said lord Grey, and stay the bearers of letters unto time ye have drawn these covenants deinz lez countiez de Kent, Essex, Lyncoll, Nothyngham, Derby, Leycetor."
Below is written in Cromwell's hand: "Thomas Denys, knyght, Thomas Crumwell, of London, gent., Thomas Cornwall, knyght, Baron of Burford, and Thomas Newport, esquyer."
2. Conveyance by Sir Thos. Denys and Thos. Crumwell to Sir Thos. Cornwall, of their interest in a bargain and sale made to them by the said Cornewaill and Thos. Newport, of the manors of Codnor, Lastowe, Langley, &c., in co. Derby, and others in cos. Linc., Leic., Notts, and Kent.
Draft in Wriothesley's hand, with corrections by Cromwell, pp. 13.