Charters are documents typically issued to grant land or record a privilege to an individual.
Here is a list of Charters that are specific to Codnor and district from the
Descriptive catalogue of Derbyshire charters in public and private libraries and muniment rooms by Isaac Herbert Jeayes 1906
Explanation of the References at the end of each abstarct.
Woll. = Wolley Charters, British Museum.
Reliquary = Jewitt's Reliquary.
P. R. O. = Public Record Office. (Cal. of Ancient Charters.)
Bemrose = Deeds in the possession of Sir H. H. Bemrose.
Drury Lowe = Deeds of W. Drury Lowe, Esq., of Locko.
Also note the different spelling of Codnor over the years.
Michaelmas, 1285
885. Lease, for 20 years, from John fil. Jermani de Codenovere to Thomas fil. Henrici Columbel of the same, of lands in Codenovere, abutting on the wood of Denaby, etc. (other boundaries given at great length). Rent, an apple. Witn. Henry Columbel of Codenovere, Adam Haneby, John de Bosco, etc.
(Woll. iv. 7.)
886. Grant from John fil. et her. Germani de Codenouere to Thomas fil. Henrici Columbel of the same, of land, with buildings upon it, in Codenovere ; rent, 55. Witn. William, dominus de Henouere, Henry Columbel of Codenovere, Eudo de Henovere, etc. Temp. Edw. II.
(Woll. iv. 6.)
6th May 1329
887. Grant from Henry Columbel of Codenovere to Aleyn Columbel, his brother, of a place of land called Patecroft [in Codnor]. Witn. Rob. de Henovere, Will de Findren, Will de Draycote, etc. 3 Edw. III.
(Woll. iv. 9.)
7th May 1329
888. Agreement for reversion of the land granted in the preceding charter to the grantor, failing right heirs of the grantee. 3 Edw. III. French. (Woll. iv. 8.)
20th May 1345
889. Grant from Henry Columbel of Codenore to Aleyn Columbel, his brother, of an acre of land in Codenore at Lodhil in exchange for three roods called Hillok-leheia, 19 Edw. III. French.
(Woll. iv. 11.)
1st Aug 1349
890. Defeasance by Henry Chaumberleyn of a grant from Henry Columbel of Codenore of a place and thirty sellions of land, on payment of 15s. 6d. Codenore, S. a. F. of St. Peter ad-vincula
(Woll. iv. 16.)
891. Grant from Richard de Basyngs of Codenore to Henry, his son, of Margaret daughter of Johanne daughter of William le Warde, his " nativa," whom he had of the gift of Sir Richard de Wilughby, senior., knight., together with the lands of John le Ward in Codenore. Witn. Henry de Grey, sen., Walter de Ros, clerk. Will. Ferrour of Neuthorp, etc. Dat. Henore, F. of St. Peter ad-vincula, 33 Edw. III.
(Woll. iv. 13.)
31st May 1401
892. Grant from Richard de Basing, "pistor quondam domini Johannis domini de Codnore," to Roger le Koc of the same and Cecily, his wife, daughter of the said Richard, of all the lands in Codenore, late John le Warde's; rent 10s. Witn. William de Draycote of Loschowe [Loscoe], Richard de Draycote, Adam Webster, etc. Dat. F. of St. Petronilla 2 Hen. IV.
(Woll. iv. 18.)
10th March 1429
893. Grant from Thomas Columbell of Thorpe " in glebis," armiger, to Thomas Colville of Codenore, of lands in Codenore. Witn. John Lord de Grey, knt., Henry Grey, Ric. Newport, armigen. 7 Hen. VI.
(Woll. iv. 17.)
29th December 1439
894 Power of attorney by Roger Coke of Codnore and Cecily, his wife, to Henry Statham of Morley and Thomas Curtes of Codenore, to deliver to Henry Coke of Codnor, a messuage and three crofts there. Dat. Codnore, M. a. F. of St. Thomas, M. 17 Hen. VI.
(Woll. iv. 15.)
18th Oct 1443
895. Lease, for 18 years, from John Coke of Langley to Henry Coke, John son of Richard de Guallay, etc., of a messuage and two bovates of land in Codenore called Ward land; rent 12s. Dat. F. of St. Luke.
(Woll. iv. 14.)
11th Nov 1448
896. Memorandum of the Auditor of the deficit in the accounts of John Clerk, bailiff, collector of rents for the dower of Elizabeth, Lady de Grey, in the demesne of Codnore, for the year commencing F. of St. Martin 27 Hen. VI. (Woll. iv. 34.)
897. Power of attorney from John Combe and Elizabeth, his wife, to Roger de Parsones of Codnore, to deliver to John Clerk of the same a messuage and lands in Codnore. Dat. M. b. F. of St. Michael, 28 Hen. Vl.
(Woll. iv. 23.)
20th January 1450
898. Exchange, for 20 years, by Henry Cook of Codnor with John Clerk, Parker of Codnor Park, of half an acre of land called " Blake ole acre " and half an acre lying in the Park-furlong, on condition that "there be any myne of cole gote of ye said half acre cald blake ole acre that then ye said John Clerk schall deliver yerly vnto ye said Henry or to his assignes iii roke cole duryng ye myne of ye said half acre." Witn. John Wawden, bailiff of Codnor, Roger Rage, John Tymborhill. 28 Hen. VI.
(Woll. iv. 26.)
899. Memorandum by the Auditors of the surplus in the accounts of John Clerk, bailiff, collector of rents for the dower of Elizabeth, Lady de Grey, in the demesne of Codnore, from the F. of St. Martin Bp. [ii Nov.] to 5 Aug., 29 Hen. VI. (Woll. iv. 32.)
20th January 1459
900. Order by Henry, Lord de Gray, to the bailiff of his manor of Codnor, after inspecting Letters Patent of Henry, Lord de Grey, his father, confirming to John Clarke of Strounsell the custody of his parks of Codnor and Aldecar, with a daily payment of 2d. Codnor, 37 Hen. VI.
(Woll. iv. 31.)
20th February 1459
901. Quitclaim from Henry, Dominus de Gray, to John Broke and Joan, his wife, and their heirs, of a messuage and bovate of land in Codnore, which they lately acquired from Henry, Dominus de Gray, his father. Witn. Richard Malore, constable of Codnor Castle, John Fonglay, rector of Henore, William Lace, etc. 37 Hen. VI.
(Reliquary xi. 51.)
23rd April 1474
902. Sale, for £17 10s., by Henry Grey, knt.. Lord Grey [of Codnor], and Dame Margaret, his wife, to William Roodes of Notyngham of all trees, wood, underwood, etc., lying between Boterley Park and Codnor Park, to Michaelmas, 1478. 14 Edw. IV.
(Woll. iv. 22.)
29th August 1474
903. Lease, for nine years, from Robert Rempstone, esq., to John Clerk of Codnor, of lands in Codnor; rent, 13s. 4d., in defeasance of a grant by the said John of the same lands to the said Robert for 10 marks. Decoll. of St. John B.14 Edw. IV.
(Woll. iv. 20.)
27th August 1474
904. Power of attorney from Robert Rempstone, esq., to William Chadwyk and William Roodes, to receive lands in Codnore. 14 Edw. IV.
(Woll. iv. 21.)
18th August 1500
905 Indenture between Sir John St. John and Sir Henry Willoughby, knts., and Thomas Leeke and Roger Johnson, recoverers of divers lands, etc., of the late Henry, Lord Grey. A bargain was made between Lord Grey and John Zouche for sale and purchase of the manor and castle of Codnore and the manors and lordships of Henor, Losco, and Langley, and of Estwayte, co. Notts., all which Zouche was to have immediately on the decease of Lord Grey; and of the reversion of his lands in Bitame and Castle Bitame, co. Lincoln, and of lands in Essex and Kent worth £100 yearly, belonging to the said lord, which Zouche was to have on the decease of Katherine, wife of Lord Grey, paying therefor 600 marcs, of which £100 is paid to Dame Kathenne, executrix and late wife to Lord Grey, and to the said Tho. Leek. Thomas and Roger now agree to make to Sir John and Sir Henry (at cost of latter) a sufficient and lawful estate of premises in cos. Derby and Notts. 1; Hen VII
(P. R. O., A. 547, 548.)
11th Nov 1516
906. Lease, for 10 years, from Thomas Cooke of Codnor, yeoman, to Thomas Clerk of the same, yeoman, of lands in Codnor and Heighnor; rent, 19s. Dat. F. of St. Martin, 8 Hen. VIII.
(Woll. iv. 25.)
11th Feb 1542
907. Decree in a suit between Sir Robert Peygden al. Pygden, priest, complainant, and George Zouche, esq., defendant, before the "King's Counsaille," by which it is determined that the said Robert Peygden is to retain possession of the Free Chapel called St. Nicholas' Chapel, within the castle of Codnor, with the " mancyon house" attached and the commodities attached to the said chapel, to which he was presented by the late John Zouche, knt., by his deed also subscribed by the same George, from which chapel the latter had deforced him. Dat. 33 Hen. VIII.
4th July 1544
962. Exemplification of various records securing the manor of Denby, sometime held by Henry Lord Grey of Codnor, to Vincent Lowe, Anthony Lowe, and others. 36 Hen. Vlll