Patent Rolls
Patent Rolls are a series of administrative records compiled in the English Chancery, running from 1201 to the present day.
They started in the reign of King John and comprise a register of the letters patent issued by the Crown, and sealed with the Great Seal pendent, expressing the sovereign's will on a range of matters of public interest.
The texts of letters patent were copied onto sheets of parchment, which were stitched together into long rolls to form a roll for each year
Here is a list of Patent Rolls specific to Codnor and district.
Also note the different spelling of Codnor over the years.
Codnore, Codenore, Codenovre, Codenoure
17th Oct 1265 Westminster Henry III vol 5
Grant for life to Eleanor consort of Edward the 'king's son of the manor of Bauewell [or Banewell] late of Ralph Gernet, the king's enemy, and the manor of Heddon late of Richard de Vernon the king's enemy, and the manor of Codenore, late of Richard de Grey, the king's enemy.
28th Oct 1283 Acton Burnell Edward I vol 2
Of the honor of Peverel of Nottingham, in the county of Derby,
11knights' fees, to wit :—
Of John Heriz, in Tybechelf, 1.
Of Henry de Grey, in Cyrlund, 1.
Of Roger Pavely, in Wynefeld, 1.
Of Henry de Grey, in Normanton. 1/2.
Of Thomas de Cheleworth, in Pynkeston, 1/2.
Of Simon de Clapevill, in Clapevill, 1/2.
Of Master Thomas Bek, in Clapevill, 1/2.
Of Roger le Bretun, in Walton, 1.
Of Oliver de Langeford, in Kynewaldeuiers and Tattevill', 1.
Of Henry de Grey, in Codenore, 1 1/2.
Of William de Morteyn, in Rym, 1.
Of William Gerun, in Banewill, 1.
Of Robert son of Robert de Derlee, in Nethere Haddon, 1/4.
Of Robert le Baud, in Basewell, 1/4.
17th Sept 1291 Edward I vol 2
Pardon to William de Codenovere, bailiff of Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, at the instance of the said earl, of all rancour and indignation against him by reason of trespasses committed by him or other the earl's bailiffs and foresters in Wales to the present date.
1st May Windsor 1317 Edward II vol 2
Commission of oyer and terminer, on complaint by Richard de Grey that Thomas de Neuthorpe, John Fouchor of Notingham, Ralph son of Reginald de Neuthorpe, William, parson of the church of Notehale, William de Barre of Cossale, John de Brekelestowe and William Curteys of Keuthorpe with others broke his park at Codenovere, co. Derby, by night, hunted therein and carried away deer.
27th Sept 1317 York Edward II vol 3
Commission of oyer and terminer to Richard de Wylughby, Walter do Goushill, and Richard de Whatton on complaint by Richard de Grey that Alexander son of John de Annesley and Reginald and Hugh his brothers and Cecily sister of the said Hugh, Thomas de Cressi, Thomas do Neuthorpe, Thomas le Ward of le Storchcs, and John de Driffeld of Nottingham, broke his park at Codenore, co. Derby
14th Aug 1318 Edward II vol 3
Licence for Richard de Grey of Codenoure to grant his marsh called 'Westwyk' in his manor of Hoo, co. Kent, held in chief, to the value of 18 marks a year, and 22 marks of rent in the same manor, to be received at the hands of the tenants there, to Robert de Shirland to hold for his life..
28th Aug 1318 Edward II vol 3
Commission of oyer and terminer to Richard de Wylughby, Ralph de Crophull and Richard de Whatton on complaint by John le Coppere of Notyngham that William, abbot of Beauchicf (de Bello Capite), Walter de Cotes, ' the abbotesserjaunt,' William son of Walter de Ufton, and Robert le Gardiner of Codenoure, with others, broke his close at Riddinges by Somercote, co. Derby, felled his trees, wrecked his houses, and carried away his timber, trees, and goods. By the Chancellor
The following two patent rolls were issued by the king whilst he was at Codnor Castle during March 1322
15th Mar 1322, Codnor, Edward II vol 4
Philip de Barenton, to arrest William Trussel and William de Bredon and other contrariants in the counties of Warwick, Leicester, Northampton, Nottingham, Derby, Stafford and Worcester.
15th Mar 1322, Codnor, Edward II vol 4
Grant in fee tail to Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, and Mary, his wife, of the castles and manors of Thorp Waterville and Hegham Ferers, co. Northampton, late of Thomas earl of Lancaster, and which through the forfeiture incurred by him came into the king's hands, together with their hundreds, knights' fees, and advowsons of churches and all their other appurtenances.
18th April 1323 Edward II vol 4
The like to Roger Beler, Richard de Wylughby, the elder, and Richard de Whatton, on complaint by Richard de Grey of Codenoure that John de Harecourt, William de Harecourt, Thomas de Herfcerigge, Roger de Herterigge, Adam le Botiller and William Bustlard, with others, took and led away two of his horses at Neubolt, co. Leicester, carried away his goods and assaulted his servants.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
18th Nov 1323 Edward II vol 4
Licence for Richard de Grey of Codenore to take 20 doe's in the woods, parks and chaces, late of John de Grey of Ruthyn, in England and Wales, now in the king's hands by reason of his death, for the burying of the body of the said John, and to take fish in the stews and fisheries of the said John for the said occasion.
8th July 1324 Edward II vol 5
Licence for Richard de Grey of Codenoure to grant to Robert de Sallowe and Mary, his wife, in survivorship, a messuage, a mill, a carucate of land, 2 acres of meadow, 4 acres of wood and 30s. of rent in Stokes and Litton, held in chief as of the honor of Peverel as appears by inquisition made by John de Bolyngbrok, escheator in the counties of Warwick, Leicester, Nottingham, Derby and Lancaster, By fine of 40s, Nottingham,
18th April 1326.Kenilworth Edward II vol 5.
Commission of oyer and terminer to Robert Darcy, Laurence de Chaworth and John de Crossnolm the younger, touching all persons concerned in the death of William Haunsom of Westdrayton, co. Nottingham, killed in his own close at Westdrayton. By K.
21st April 1326 Kenilworth.Edward II vol 5.
The like to Richard de Grey of Codenoure, Thomas de Novo Mercato, Robert Russel and William de la Launde, on complaint by Edmund de Eyncourt that whereas John de Anesleye, by the king's writ of right
3rd Dec 1330 Edward III vol 2
Commission of oyer and terminer to Richard de Wylughby, Robert de Westminster. Asshele and Eobert de Keleseye on complaint by Richard de Grey of Codenoure that John Arnold of Estollebury. John de Goldhauek, 'bocher,' John Shad, Thomas atte Tye, Thomas Goldhauek, Richard Thomelyn, Ingelram Warener of Mockynge, Sewall le Charettere of Mockynge, William Auncel, John de Neweton of Stanford, Adam Brig, Henry Salle, Simon Salle, Walter Bright, Henry Bereward, William Eylward, Thomas Eylward, John Auncel, William Lete, Benedict Wyld, John de Fulmere, chaplain, William Arnold of Stanford, Adam Birle, William Pruz, John Child, John de Assheby the younger, William Bereward of Staunford, John Bereward, Salomon de Wythefeld of Yobbinge, John Eylwyne, Thomas Elwyne, John Baker, Robert Rede, John Grerlaund, Richard Hiike, Thomas Somoner of Horndon, Ivo atte Chirche of Chaldewell, Richard Prest of Orseth, Simon Blake of Fybbynge and others besieged him in his manor of Turrok, co. Essex, broke his doors and windows, carried away his goods and assaulted his servants. By Iv. Afterwards, on 16 May next, John de Cantebrigge was appointed in the said commission in place of the said Richard who was employed elsewhere in the king's service
30th Jan 1331 Hertford Edward III vol 2
Grant to Richard de Grey of Codenore of pontage for three years on wares passing over or under the bridge over the river Medeweye by his manor of Eylesford, for repair of the said bridge. By pet. of Parliament.
12th Feb Pontefract 1333 Edward III vol 2
Commission of oyer and terminer to Richard de Grey of Codenore, William de Herle, Richard de Wylughby, Roger de Baukwell and Henry de Fenton, touching alleged oppressions by Thomas de Carleton, late undersheriff of the county of Lincoln, Hugh de Carleton, then his clerk, and John Faukes and John Judekyn, clerks, bailiffs of the city of Lincoln, and other ministers in the county of Lincoln by colour of their offices.
8th July 1333 Tweedmouth Edward III vol 2
Commission of oyer and terminer to Richard de Grey of Codenore, William de Herle, Richard de Tweedmouth. Wylughby, Roger de Baukwell and Henry de Fenton touching alleged oppressions by Thomas de Carleton, late under-sheriff of the county of Lincoln, Hugh do Carleton, his clerk, and John Faukes and John Judekyn, clerks of the bailiffs of the city of Lincoln, and other bailiffs and ministers, by colour of their offices.
30th Sept 1334 Westminster Edward III vol 3
Commission of oyer and terminer to Richard de Grey of Codenore, Richard de Aldeburgh and Roger de Baukewell, on complaint by the prior of Lenton that John de Houton, parson of the church of Boney, Leonard, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, John Larcher, one of the brethren of that order, Thomas de Houton, Robert de Newerk, Thomas Baseley, Thomas Margery, Robert de Cottegrave and others mowed his crops and grass at Brademere and Boney, carried away the hay and crops with other of his goods, and assaulted his servants. By fine of 1 mark. Nottingham
15th March 1335 Catiwade Edward III vol 3
Presentation of Thomas Wasteneys to the church of Adenburgh, in the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield, in the king's gift by reason of the lands of Richard de Grey of Codenore, deceased, tenant in chief, being in his hands; directed to R. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. By letter of secret seal.
8th Feb 1339 Westminster Edward III vol 4
Licence for the alienation in mortmain by John de Grey of Codenore, knight, to the prior and convent of Felleye, in full satisfaction of the 100s, yearly of land and rent which they had the licence of Edward II. to acquire, of the reversion of 1 acre of land in Toueton and the advowson of the church of Adyngburgh, now held for life by Thomas de Vans by demise of the said John, which are of the yearly value of 60s. 2d. as appears by inquisition taken by Thomas de Metham, escheator beyond Trent.
6th March Westminster 1340 Edward III vol 4
Pardon, for his good service in going beyond the seas in the king's company and staying there in his service until now, to Richard son of Henry Cousyn of Brokesheved, for the death of Richard le Fruter of London. William Vepound of Codenore, for the death of William le Warde of Codenore, killed before 2nd November last.
8th April 1340 Westminster. Edward III vol 4
Commission of oyer and terminer to Nicholas de Cantilupo, John de Gray of Codenore, Richard de Wylughby, Robert Bousser and Robert de Scardeburgh, on complaint by Adam de Welle, knight, that Thomas de Kyngeston of Machjng, William his brother, Denis de Grenested, Walter Screyme of Stanford, Robert, parson of the church of They den Gernoun, Thomas de Wodham, William his brother, Thomas de Bedeford, John and Alexander his sons, Alexander ' Andreusprest of Walden' and others, at Theyden Gernoun, broke his houses and park, hunted in the park, and carried away his goods and deer, and assaulted his men and servants. By fine of 20s. Essex.
22nd May Westminster 1345 Edward III vol 6
Licence for Nicholas de Poyntz, 'chivaler,' to enfeoff John de Grey of Codenore of the manor of Hoo, co. Kent, the advowsons of the churches of that manor excepted, which is held in chief as appears by inquisition taken by John de Vieleston, escheator in the said county, in exchange for the manors of Brodeweye and Estelleworth, co. Dorset. By fine of 10 marks. Kent.
12th Feb 1346 Westminster Edward III vol 7
Commission of oyer and terminer to William de Shareshull, Thomas de Langeleye and Robert de Barton, on complaint by John de Grey of Codenore, ' chivaler,' that William de Arecourt, William Huet, William Armurer, Robert de Welyngton, Henry son of Roger Clerc, Richard de Budclif, Juliana, his wife, Lucy Waryn, Henry Salman, Isabel daughter of Richard le Palmere, Thomas Pol, John Stokman, Petronilla de Spillesby, Richard Maykyn, Joan daughter of John le Bakere of Stanlake, John le Hayward and others, at Staunton Harecourt, broke his houses and chests, felled his trees, fished his stews, carried away his fish and trees with other goods as well as charters, writings and other muniments and assaulted his men and servants whereby he lost their service for a great time. By fine of 1 mark. Oxford.
20th April 1347 Reading Edward III vol 7
Commission of oyer and terminer to Richard de Wylughby, Richard de Smetheton and Thomas Inges, on complaint by John de Grey of Codenore that, whereas the king lately took him, when going to Gascony on his service in the company of Henry, earl of Lancaster, and his men, lands and possessions, into his special protection, Stephen de Delhani, Andrew Rosekyn, parson of the church of Halughstowe, Roger de Delham, Simon son of Roger de Delham, Stephen son of Roger de Delham, John son of Roger de Delham, John Rosekyn, Roger Rosekyn, Robert son of John Henryot, John Glomyn, William Noble, John son of William Taillour, John Beaucol, John Thurglight, Thomas Hamoun, Adam Hykelot of Strode, clerk, John Shotiere of Strode, clerk, Robert Malet of Clyve, Nicholas Godelef of Mallyng, clerk, John Lemyng, John Wodegate, Adam Peede of Hoo, John Mildewere of Mepham, Henry Beste of Hoo, Andrew son of Roger de Delham, and others carried away his goods at Halughstowe, co. Kent, while he was in the king's special protection as above, and assaulted his men and servants there so that their life was despaired of, whereby he lost their service for a great time. By tine of 1 mark paid in the hanaper.
10th April 1348 Westminster Edward III vol 8
Commission to John de Grey of Codenore, William de Eyncourt, John Darcy, Robert de Malo Lacu, Richard de Wilughby, Boger de Baukwell, Thomas de Longvilers, Stephen Romulo, Richard de Strelleye, William de Fyncheden, Robert de Morewode, William de Gotham and Roger de Hoppewell (in the same terms as the commission on m 16d touching obstructions in the river Thames) with respect to the river Trent, in the counties of Nottingham and Lincoln, between the towns of Nottingham and Burtonstathel. By common pet. of Parl,
26th Oct 1348 Westminster Edward III vol 8
Commission of oyer and terminer to William de Shareshull, Thomas de Langelay, Roger Foliot, John de Bybury and John Mundy, on complaint by John de Grey of Codenore, 'chivaler,' that Henry de Tichemersh, Pernell de Spillesby, William de Odyham, Richard de Depdale, Richard Megson Swan, William Huet, Walter Lenom, William Duly, Richard Boteclive, Juliana, his wife, Henry de Boseworth, John de Barowe, Agnes, his wife, Joan daughter of John le Baker of Stanlake, Thomas de Stanlake, 'chaloner,' Thomas Ricard of Puncle, Henry Mauger, John Clifford, John son of Henry Gibbes of Southleygh, William Gerard, Stephen le Knyght of Tackelay, John le Bedel of Stanlake, William Bulneham of Sutton, John Stokeman of Southeleygh, John de Welough of Wittenay, William Aumbresdon, chaplain, and others broke his close, houses and chests at Stauntonharecourt, co. Oxford, drove away 6 cows worth 40s. felled his trees there, fished his stews, carried away his fish and trees, with other goods, charters, writings and muniments, and assaulted his men and servants whereby he lost their service for a great time. By fine of 10s. paid in the hanaper because sealed at another time by fine of 1 mark, and afterwards discontinued.
20th Feb 1349 Westminster Edward III vol 8
Commission of oyer and terminer to Hugh de Meynyll, Richard de Wylughby, Roger de Baukwell, Roger Deyncourt and John Blount, on complaint by John de Grey of Codenore that Thomas de Chaworthe, knight, Thomas, his son, Robert Russel, clerk, Robert de Cressale of Medebourn, John Coly of Stonton, John le Parker of Alferton, Richard' le Levedychaumberleyn,' John Veysy of Halughton, William Fort, John Dod, William de Ufton, John de Bernak, Walter Wynne, John Wynne, John le Walshe, Richard Walshe, Walter Walshe, Philip Sherwynd and others, broke his park at Codenore, co. Derby, hunted therein, carried away his goods there as well as deer from the park and assaulted his men and servants whereby he lost their service for a great time. By fine 20s paid
4th Aug 1349 Eltham Edward III vol 8
Licence, for 100s. which John de Grey of Codenore will pay to the king, for Nicholas de Poyntz, 'chivaler' to grant to the said John and his heirs an acre of land in Hoo and the advowsons of the churches of St. Mary, Hoo, and St. Margaret, Halghstowe in Hoo, held in chief, to which churches it pertains to Nicholas to present alternately. Kent
10th Dec 1349 Edward III vol 8
Commission of the peace to John de Grey of Codenore, Hugh de Meynyl, Nicholas de Langeford, William de Grey of Sandiacre, Roger Deyncourt, Roger Michel of Breydeston, John Cokeyn, Robert Breton and Auker Frechevyl, in the county of Derby.
29th April 1350 Westminster Edward III vol 8
Protection for William le Ferour of Neuthorp, deputed by Thomas Purchas, who purposes to repair the king's highway between Notyngham and Codenore in places where it requires repairing, to carry out the work at the charges of the said Thomas, and for all workmen engaged in the work.
27th June 1350 Westminster. Edward III vol 8
Commission to John de Grey of Codenore, William de Thorpe, Hugh de Meynill, Nicholas de Langeford, William de Grey of Sandiacre, Roger Deyncourt, William de Skipwyth, Roger Michel of Breydeston, John Cokeyn and Robert Breton, keepers of the peace and justices of oyer and terminer touching divers trespasses in the county of Derby, to take Roger de Wednesleye, a common malefactor and leader of felons in that county, and cause him to be detained in prison until he be delivered according to law and the custom of the realm ; also to enquire of any misdeeds done by him and his confederates.
27th Aug Sandwich 1350 Edward III vol 8
Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Grey of Codenore, Richard de Wylughby, William de Eland and Hugh Martel, touching all persons concerned in the death of Robert de Coventre, killed at Adbolton, co. Nottingham.
12th April 1351 Westminster Edward III vol 9
Commission of oyer and tenniner to Richard de Wylughby, Roger la Zousche, Roger Beler, John Waleys and John de Knyghton, in the county of Leicester, on complaint by John de Grey of Codenere that Robert Faukus, William Faukus, John Swan, Richard Swan, Henry Swan, William Matheu, John Golner the younger, William Dikun, Guy Martel of Kilby, William Balle, John de Tonge, chaplain, and others, carried away his goods at Evyngton, assaulted his men and servants at Wykyngeston and imprisoned them at Leycestre. For 20s. paid in the hanaper
16th Oct 1354 Westminster Edward III vol 10
Licence, for £10. to be paid to the king by Robert Fitz Pain and Westminster. Ela, his wife, for them to enfeoff Thomas Wygod, parson of the church of Wotton, and Robert de Sambourn, clerk, of the manors of Cary and Cherleton Makerell, co. Somerset, and the advowson of the church of the latter manor, held in chief, as is said; and for them to grant the same to the said Robert and the heirs male of his body, with remainders to Robert son of Richard de Grey of Codenore and Elizabeth, his wife, and the heirs of the body of the said Robert I son of Richard, and to the right heirs of the said Robert Fitz Payn.
19th Dec 1354 Westminster Edward III vol 10
Jordan de Byntre, parson of the church of Wroxhale, and Geoffrey de Godmanston, parson of the church of Wodeton, lately acquired in fee from Robert Fitz Payn and Ela, his wife, a messuage and a carucate of land in Wynyate, a messuage and two carucates of land at La Lude, a messuage and a carucate of land called ' Walrondmerssh ' and a messuage and a carucate of land in Briggehampton, held in chief, and afterwards regranted the same to them in tail male, with remainder to Robert son of Richard de Gray of Codenore in tail, and whereas Jordan and Geoffrey and Robert and Ela entered into the messuages and lands, without licence, and these have now been taken into the king's hands by the death of the said Robert, who died without heir male begotten
26th Jan 1356 Newcastle-upon-Tyne Edward III vol 10
Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Grey of Codenore, Adam de Everyngham of Laxton, Richard de Wilughby, Edmund de Perpount, William de Wakebrugge and Simon Pakeman, on complaint by Thomas de Bredon, parson of the church of Weston on Trent, that Richard, abbot of Cestre, Thomas son of William le Reve of Wylne, chaplain, William brother of the said Thomas, Roger son of Hugh de Weston, Roger Lekke of Weston, Roger Lelle of Weston, Roger son of John de Weston, William Lekke of Weston, William Lelle of Weston, John Gardyner of Weston, John Fissher of Weston, Richard Wauter of Weston and others assaulted him at Weston on Trent, co. Derby, carried away his goods to the value of £1000. burned his crops and hay in cocks (tassis) and other goods as well as the houses of his rectory by night, and assaulted his men and servants, whereby he lost their service for a great time.
3rd Feb 1356 Newcastle-upon-Tyne Edward III vol 10
Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Grey of Codenore, Adam de Everyngham of Laxton, Richard de Wylughby, William de Wakebrugge and Simon Pakeman, touching the persons who carried away the goods of Thomas de Bredon, parson of the church of Western upon Trent, at Weston upon Trent, co. Derby, Ac. (as above); and those who received them well knowing of the felonies.
28th March 1356 Westminster Edward III vol 10
Commission of oyer and terminer to John Grey of Codenore, Richard de Wylughby, Thomas de Haukeston, Edmund de Pirpount, John de Lungvilers, John de Loudham, William de Wakebrugge, Henry de la Pole and Richard Pensehax, on complaint by Thomas de Bredon and Joan, his wife, that Richard, abbot of Chestre, Robert Fraunceys of Alestre, William the Reve of Wilne, Thomas his son, William, brother of the said Thomas, William Bate, chaplain, William Lelle of Weston, John Fissher of Weston, John Shode, Richard Lek, John Hyet, Roger Lelle, Roger Johanson, John Gardiner, John Souterknave, Roger Huchonson, William Souter, William de Barton, Richard Long of Weston, Hugh de Shardelowe 'the abbotes reve of Chestre' atte Weston, Walter Barue of Neweton, John Hichecok, John Torald, chaplain, Roger Perkynson, John Syngher, William Syngher, William Suclyng of Neweton, Richard Nat of Aston, John Hether of Aston, Alexander de Blythe of Aston, Robert Bate of Weston, John Roket, Richard Wright, John del Pek, Roger Carter, William Carter ' Halleswayn' William Algreve, Peter Fissher, John Cowehird of Weston, and others, assaulted the said Joan at Westonon-Trent, co. Derby. 5th June The like, on complaint by Thomas de Bredon that Richard, abbot of Chestre, and the others named above assaulted him at Weston on Trent, carried away his goods as well as charters, writings and muniments, and assaulted his men and servants.
22nd Nov 1356 Westminster Edward III vol 10
Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Grey of Codenore, Richard de Wylughby, Henry Grene, John de Annesleye and Hugh Martell, on complaint by William de Wakebrugg, one of the justices of the peace in the county of Nottingham, that Roger son of Walter, John Norman, William Norman, Robert Fox, William Hyght, Richard Dykeman, chaplain, William Whytfot, William le Clerk of Hokenale, John Beveregge, Thomas son of Hugh, Adam le Smyth, Hugh le Colyer, Simon Lande of Hokenale, Hugh de Averham, Roger Snype, Nicholas de Gonaldeston, Henry le Smyth of Alferton, Robert son of Geoffrey de Aldestre of Hokenale, John le Gotherde of Hokenale and others, assaulted him as he was going from his session lately held at Notyngham, at Hokenale, drove away his horse, worth £10, carried away his goods and assaulted his servant William de Matlok there
8th July 1359 Edward III vol 11
Commission to John de Grey of Codenore,Thomas Colpepir, .Roger de Godestre and John de Vielston to survey the bridge of Rochester over the water of Medewaye and find by the oath of good men of the county of Kent who are bound to repair the same, and the names of any who have received or collected any money for such repair and have not applied it to the same ; and to distrain these to repair the same
10th June 1360 Westminster Edward III vol 11
Pardon for good service done in the war of France service in the company of the underwritten, before Michaelmas last :- Thomas de Horseleye,in the company of the lord of Grey of Codenore, for the death of Robert Ase of Hatherne.
29th Nov 1360 Westminster Edward III vol 11
Pardon for good service done in France John Lacy,in the company of John de Grey of Codenore, for the death of Robert Michiel, chaplain.
15th Dec 1361 Edward III vol 12
John de Grey of Codnore Commission of the peace, pursuant to the statutes of Winchester, Northampton and Westminster
20th Nov 1362 Westminster Edward III vol 12
Commission to John de Grey of Codenore, John Cokayn and Henry de la Pole, in the county of Derby, and to hear and determine trespasses against the statutes and ordinances of labourers and the accounts of collectors and receivers of fines, amercements and other profits of labourers which the king lately granted to the commonalty of the realm for three years in aid of the tenth and fifteenth granted to him for that term and compel them to the full distribution thereof, to correct abuses of weights and measures, and to inspect indictments made before any justices of oyer and terminer not yet determined and determine these ; and mandate to them to hold their sessions four times a year, to wit the first in the octaves of the Epiphany, the second in the second week of Midlent, the third in the feasts of Whitsuntide and Midsummer and the fourth in the octaves of Michaelmas
8th March 1364 Westminster Edward III vol 12
Commision of the peace to John, duke of Lancaster, John de Grey of Codenore, William de Grey of Sandiacre and John Cokayn, in the county of Derby
20th June 1365 Westminster Edward III vol 13
John Grey of Codnore, going beyond the seas on pilgrimage, with the king's licence, has letters nominating Walter Power, clerk, and Henry Grey, brother of the said John, as his attorneys in England for one year. David de Wollore &c. He has like letters nominating William de Wakebrigge and Richard de Leycestre as above.
10th Feb 1367 Westminster Edward III vol 13
Commission of array to John de Grey of Codenore, Adam de Everyngham, Roger de Sellers, Gervase de Clyfton, John de Loudham, Richard de Grey of Landeford and the sheriff; in the county of Nottingham
10th July 1368 Westminster. Edward III vol 14
Commision of the peace to the following in the counties named, and to hear and determine all processes and indictments not yet determined before the persons named (after the counties) and their fellows, late keepers of the peace in the said counties :- John,duke of Lancaster,John de Grey of Codenore,Thomas de Ingelby,William de Greye of Sandyacre,John de Cavendissh and John Cokayn ; Derby;
14th June 1369 Westminster. Edward III vol 14
Association of Henry de Braillesford,Walter Moungumry and Robert de Twyford in the late commission of the peace and of oyer and terminer in the county of Derby to John, duke of Lancaster, John de Grey of Codenore,Thomas de Ingelby,John de Cavendish and John Cokeyn,and to William de Grey of Sandyacre who is now dead,in which commission the king by other letters patent afterwards associated Godfrey Foljeaumbe.
1370 Westminster, Edward III vol 14
The king lately committed at farm the city of Rochester for life to John de Gray of Codenore, and also the keeping of the castle there,he rendering the king £12.yearly for the city and £38.for the castle and the guards (wardis) pertaining thereto,as Geoffrey de Say and other farmers and keepers thereof were wont to render, and 10 marks of increment ; he has now, with the assent of the said John and on surrender by him of his letters patent, committed the premises on like terms to his esquire, Simonde Burgh.
10th Feb 1370 Edward III vol 14
Commission of the peace to John,duke of Lancaster,John de Grey of Codenore,Thomasde Ingelby, GodfreyFoljeaumbe,Alfred Sulmy, Henryde Braillesford,Walter de Mungumry,Robert de Twyford,John de Cavendissh,Richard de Meygnyll and John de la Pole; in the county of Derby.
8th Feb 1370 Westminster. Edward III vol 14
Commision 'de walliis et fossatis' to Henry Grey of Codenore,'chivaler' Robert deMarny,'chivaler,' John de Geldesburgh,William Tauk,Edmund Filz Johan, Thomas Yonge and John de Neuport,in Markedichand other waters upon the coast of the Thames between Berkyngand Esttyllebury,co. Essex
26th May 1370 Westminster, Edward III vol 14
Association of Henry de la Pole in the late commission of the peace and of oyer and terminer in the county of Derby to John duke of Lancaster,Godfrey Foljaumbe, John de Grey of Codenore,Thomas de Ingelby,Alfred Sulny,Henry de Braillesford,Walter de Mungumry, Robert de Twiford John de Cavendissh,Richard de Meynyll and John de la Pole.
28th April 1371 Westminster. Edward III vol 15
Exemption,for life, of John de Grey of Codenore, in consideration Of his long service in the wars beyond and this side the seas and because he is now so burdened with old age and other bodily infirmities that be cannot labour or help himself,from coming to parliaments, councils or treaties,from being appointed to array men-at-arms, armed men, hobelers or archers for the king's wars or the safe-guarding of the sea-coast, or to keep the peace in any county, from being compelled to stay on the sea-coast by reason of any of his lands being there, and from appointment as mayor, sheriff, coroner, escheator or other minister or officer of the king against his will.
8th Aug 1372 Westminster. Edward III vol 15
Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Grey of Codenore, John Fitz William, Roger de Meres, Gervase de Clifton, John de Loudham, the elder, and Robert Martel, touching the evildoers who took Margaret, late the wife of Robert Tiptot, ' chivaler,' at Waltham on le Wolde, co. Leicester, brought her to Leke upon Sore, co. Nottingham, and there ravished and imprisoned her, and touching those who knowingly received the said evildoers.
20th Oct 1373 Westminster Edward III vol 15
John son of John atte Berne of Buggemere, for non-appearance to answer John de Grey of Codenore, knight, touching a plea of debt of £20.
1373 Westminster, Edward III vol 15
Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Nevill of Raby, John de Gray of Codenore, William de Fyncheden, Thomas de Ingelby,John Marmyon, Godfrey Foljaumbe, Simon de Leyk, Roger de Fulthorp, Thomas Maulay, Robert de Morton, John de Dronfeld and William Estfeld, on complaint by William de Furnival that John Bret, ' chivaler,' Nicholas de Gausill, ' chivaler,' James Rye, parson of the church of Wath, John de Sutton, parson of the church of Whitewell, Henry de Shirley, parson of the church of Barleburgh, Robert Barre of Bramton, ' clerk,' Geoffrey, parson of the church of Stereleye, Hugh de Cukeneye, vicar of the church of Cukeneye, Robert de Barley of Kenton, Robert de Barley, the younger, Robert Cause of Branton, John son of Henry Bate, Roger Harcourt of Wyngurworth, Ralph Cacchehors, John de Mapples of Sheffeld, Har[al]dus Wasteneys, John de Holand of Witewell, John Cope ' Jamesservant Rye ,' Thomas atte Wode of Barleburgh, John Hancoke of Coldaston, John Hering of Wodhous, William Hervey, Richard Heryng, John de Bulwell, Walter Shoter, John Shoter, William Nicson, Robert Nicson, William Warde of Beghton, John Creswyk, John de Barley of Thorpe, John Riche, John Fox of Burghbrigg, Richard Pye of Birlay, John Frere of Staneley, William Haukesworth, Thomas Tolson of Totwyk, John Sergeaunt of Hirste Graunge of Wyrsop, Thomas Godesson of Totewyke, Thomas Barre, John Pakke, John Coke of Totewyke, William Selyokes, Robert Raukell, chaplain, John son of John Mountyney of Wadeslay, John de Kylnehirste 'Jamesservant Rye,' John de Meuwes ' Johannesservant Crescy,' Ralph son of Auker de Fresshevill, Roger Bromyley, John son of Sara de Barleburgh, John Halle, chaplain, Robert Whitebrest of Cloune, Peter Marchal, chaplain, Richard Marchal of Ekyngton, John Spendyng of Stanelay, William del Ker, ' smythyman,' of Halumshire, Richard de Stanlay of the county of Chester, Richard de Stathum of the county of Lancaster, William de Shyrehokes of Barleburgh, Alan Lamberd, chaplain, John Stacy of Sheffeld, chaplain, Nicholas de Goushull, the younger, William de Barley, the younger, John Mounteneye of Shirclyf, Robert Boton, Philip de Barley, Richard de Wrot, John Mariot, Richard Mariot, William de Barley, servant of the bishop of Lincoln, John Chaumberleyn of Stretton, late servant of William de Retford of Flet, John de Hoton, servant of William de Retford of Flet, Ingelrain de Ecclesfeld, Robert Ellotson, John Popan of Hakenthorp, Peter Tilly of Hakenthorp, John Gerson, the younger, Roger Setewell of Rygewey, John Surret, John Dykunsun, Thomas, prior of Blythe, John Foket, his fellow-monk, William Birley of Bradfeld, and others, came, armed, at Sheffeld and Bradefeld, co. York, broke his park at Sheffeld, entered his free chace and warren in the said towns, hunted in these, felled his trees, fished in his free fishery, dug in his quarry and several soil there at Ecclesfeld and Handesworth and carried away the stones and coals of the quarry and the earth cast forth from the soil, fish from the fishery, the said trees and other goods in the said towns of Sheffeld and Bradfeld, as also deer from the park and chace, and hares, conies, pheasants and partridges from the warren, and assaulted his men and servants deputed to collect the profit of his fair at Sheffeld, and so threatened them that they dared not meddle longer in the business. By the chancellor because sealed at another time.
12th July 1373 Westminster. Edward III vol 15
Commission to John de Greseleye to be justice in the place of Alfred Sulny, whom the king for certain causes has removed from the office, in the commission of the peace and of oyer and terminer in the county of Derby to John, duke of Lancaster, Godfrey Foljaumbe, John de Grey of Codenore, Thomas de Ingelby, Henry de Braillesford, Walter de Mungomry, Robert de Twyford, John de Cavendissh, Richard de Meynill, John de la Pole and Henry de la Pole, and to the said Alfred
15th Oct 1375 Westminster, Edward III vol 16
Commission of oyer and terminer to John Grey of Codenore,Henry de Grey of Wilton, Roger de Kirkton,Roger de Fulthorp,John Fraunceys and Robert Martel,on complaint by Henry Leverych of Walshale that John Pymme and John his son, William Walker of Repyndon,John Clerk 'Johanesservant Pymme,' Ralph Keys and others assaulted and maimed him at Derby. For 20s. paid in the hanaper
20th May 1376 Westminster. Edward III vol 16
Commission to John de Gray of Codenore, Henry le Grey, Alfred Sully,Ralph de Braylesford, Nicholas de Knyvyngton,Peter de Legh, Ralph de Stathum and William de Sallowe, sheriff of Derby, to arrest in the said county William de Morton, Roger de Morton, John de Morton,Stephen de Bruggewode and Roger de Crossele, indicted of felonies,who having formed a confederacy and gathered to themselves other malefactors to prevent the friends of Thomas Whelok, lately killed by them, from daring to prosecute them for their punishment, threatening to kill them and other of the king's lieges,wander about in the county committing intolerable damages ; and to take security of them to do no injury to the friends of Thomas or any other of the king's people ; and, if they refuse to make such security, to commit them to the county gaol until they do, certifying the king thereof from time to time when they take such security.
31st Aug 1376 Oakham. Edward III vol 16
Commission to John,king of Castile and Leon,duke of Lancaster, John Grey of Codenore,Henry de Grey of Shirlond, Roger de Fulthorp and William de Estfeld to make inquisition in the county of York touching a complaint by William de Furnyvall that certain evildoers came armed to Sheffield, assaulted Roger Hetkote,his parker, and although he ordered the constables of the town to arrest them, so threatened the latter in life and limb that they dared not do so, whereupon he, as one of the keepers of the peace, was grievously disturbed and came forth from his castle there to arrest the evildoers according to the duty of his office, but they chased him back with bows and arrows, besieged him a longtime and layin wait for him and his servants to kill them or do them other mischiefs. and afterwards, on 3 September,because the king wished the matter to be determined before him and the council, the commissioners were ordered to stay the execution of the said letter
26 March 1378 Westminster. Richard II vol 1
Commission to John Grey of Codenore, Thomas Grene,James Belerys, John Hauberk, William Bernak and Simon Symeon to enquire touching the death of Thomas Drakelowe and Robert his brother, and Thomas Hore, that was Thomas servant Drakelowe,' at Alhokeston, co. Leicester.
12th Nov 1378 Gloucester Richard II vol 1
Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Grey of Codenore, knight, Henry Grey of Wylton,knight, William de Burgh,Robert de Morton and Robert Martell, on information that divers weirs, mills, pools, pales and kidels have been newly placed and erected in the water of Trent, co. Nottingham, to the obstruction of the course of ships and boats therein. They are to enquire which of them were so placed in the time of Edward I., and remove those subsequently erected
13th Feb 1380 Westminster, Richard II vol 1
Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Gray of Codenore,William de Skypwyth,Roger de Kirketon,Robert de Swylyngton,William Haule, Robert Twyford, William de Burgh,and Oliver de Barton,touching the like in Morley and Caldelowe, co. Derby. The like to the same touching the same, but with this addition : that, as the duke of Lancaster has exhibited a schedule before the king and council of the damage done to his men in those places (which schedule is transmitted herewith),they are to examinetouching the contents there of by oath of the good and lawful men of the said county.
Memorandum, that the tenor of the said schedule is on the files among the king's writs of this year.
26th May 1380 Westminster. Richard II vol 1
Commission of the peace pursuant to the statutes of Winchester, Northampton and Westminster. to John, duke of Lancaster, John de Grey ot Codenore,William de Skipwyth,Robert de Swylyngton, Robert de Twyford,William de Burgh,John Pole of Neuburgh,Oliver de Barton,Edmund Cokeyn and Ralph Brailesford, in the county of Derby.
14th Dec 1381 Westminster Richard II vol 2
Commision to John, duke of Lancaster,John de Grey of Codenore, Henry de Grey of Shirland,Nicholas Longford,Nicholas Montegomery, Thomas de Wendesley and John Pole of Hertyngdon,in the county of Derby to preserve the peace, with power to arrest those who congregate in unlawful assemblies or who incite insurf rections in the county of Derby, to put down the rebels and with armed force, if necessary, suppress the said assemblies. By K. and C. in Parl
8th March 1382 Westminster Richard II vol 2
Commission to John,duke of Lancaster,John de Grey of Codenore,Henry do Grey of Wylton, John Dabrygeconrt, Nicholas Mougomory,Nicholas Langeford, Oliver de Barton, John de Pole of Neuburgh, John Cokayn the elder, John de Pole of Hertyngdon,Thomas de Wendesley and William de Adderle, reciting the treasonable hostile rising of divers evildoers in congregations and conventicles throughout the realm and their perpetration of treasons,homicides, arsons, etc., and appointing the aforesaid commissioners, with the advice of the nobles and magnates of the late Parliament, for the establishment of quiet, to keep the peace in the county of Derby, empowering them to arrest, imprison and punish such rebels and any who incite to rebellion, to suppress their meetings, arrest their goods, or take security as they think fit. If the meetings are suspicious or excessive in number they are to take the posse comitatus, both knights and esquires, lead them against the rebels, seize any found committing the offences aforesaid, and do justice upon them without delay. They are also appointed commissioners of oyer and terminer in respect of the premises, with power to arrest, imprison and punish any who refuse to assist them. By K. and C. in Parl.
12th July 1383 Westminster Richard II vol 2
Association of Thomas de Weduesleve and William de Sallowe,with John, duke of Lancaster, John Grey of Codenore, John Worthe,William de Skipwyth,'Robert de Swillyngton, William de Burgh,John Pole of Neuburgh, Ralph de Braylesford, John Foucher and John Cokeyn the elder, in the commission of the peace and of oyer and terminer in the county of Derby.
16th Nov 1383 Westminster Richard II vol 2
Commission to John de Greye of Codenore,William de Nevill, justice of the forest beyond Trent,Sampson de Strelleye,Thomas More,clerk, Robert de Morton, Hugh de Annesleye,Thomas de Merdeleye and William de Lughtburgh to enquire touching the complaint of the king's mother (in respect of her town and castle of Nottingham) and of the people there that Richard Biron of Colwyk has closed his weirs, mills and pools at Colwyk on the Trent between Nottingham and the sea, to the hindrance of navigation.
8th Feb 1385 Westminster. Richard II vol 2
Appointment of John de Grey of Codenore, Robert Twyford,Henry de Braynesford, John Cursun of Kedeleston, John de Leye and John Kokeyn to enquire touching the evildoers who came armed to Cotton, co. Stafford, assaulted John Stathum and Isabella his wife, whom the king had taken into his protection and, after the public prohibition, by the king's writ, against anyone so coming there assaulted their men and servants and took away their goods and chattels.
17th Jan 1387 Westminster, Richard II vol 3
Appointment of John de Grey of Codenore,knight, John Lek,sheriff of Nottingham,and Richard,mayor of Nottingham, to arrest in the county of Nottingham and imprison until he has satisfied Holy Church, Master Nicholas Hereford,doctor in theology, whom W. archbishop of Canterbury has signified to the king as excommunicated for contumacy and refusing to appear before him when summoned touching certain heretical and erroneous articles publicly preached and taught by him in divers places of the province of Canterbury, and as not willing to submit to the judgment of the church. The like of John Calveley,knight,and Richard Lodbrok, in the county of Leicester. The like of Robert de Twiford,knight,and William Sallowe, in the county of Derby
23rd May 1388 Westminster.Richard II vol 3
Appointment of Master Thomas Brightwelle,doctor of theology, dean of the college of the new work, Leycestre,William Chisulden,prebendary of the said college, Richard de Barewe,knight,and Robert Langham, to search for,seize and bring to the Council with all speed all books, schedules and quires containing the unsound doctrine and heresies of Masters John Wyclif, Nicholas Hereford,John Aston and their followers, on informartion that many such books are frequently compiled and published, written both in English and Latin; and further to make proclamation prohibit! the maintenance of those opinions, or the keeping,writing or selling of those books, under pain of imprisonment and forfeiture,and calling upon all who have them to give them up ; with power for the said Thomas, the dean and the said William, after proclamation made, to summon offenders and examine them, and to commit them, when convicted, to prison until they disavow their heresies or until further order for their delivery. The like of Master John Norton,chancellor of the cathedral church of St. Mary,Salisbury,Hugh Cheyne,knight,and John Bitherle, citizen of Salisbury,with the like power for the said chancellor to summon offenders &c The like of the prior of Thurgarton and the official of the archdeacon of Nottingham and John Grey of Codenore,knight,Hugh Annesley and Robert Martell,and, the seet of York being vacant, with the like power for the said prior and official to summon offenders, etc.
20th Feb 1390 Westminster Richard II vol 4
Commission to John de Grey of Codenore,Robert de Swylyngton,John de Annesley,Robert de Cokfeld,Thomas More,clerk, Hugh de Annesley, Robert Martell and Thomas de Merdeleye, on complaint by queen Anne and the people of the parts adjacent that whereas in Colwyk,which lies on the river Trent between the castle and town of Nottingham and the sea, there was heretofore a trench (quedam trenchea), by which part, of the water of Trent held its course as far as the mills, weirs and pools of Richard Biron there, and descending by the said weirs and mills fell into the river Trent,and by the impetus of the said water of Trent and divers works, restrictions, breaches and elevations in the trench and elsewhere made in the said river the straight course of the said water is diverted into the trench,flowing to the said weirs, mill and pool, the said 'Richard has kept them closed and not open and unjustly keeps them so at present, whereby ships and boats cannot pass or return to the said castle and town, for which grievance they pray redress. The commissioners are to enquire by jury of the county of Nottingham, and if by inquisition or by inspection of the water or due information they find the premises as alleged to be true,they are to take such order as they deem meet that ships and boats may pass in the channel of the said river with their cargoes to the castle and town of Nottingham without hindrance as heretofore
1st June 1391 westminster Richard II vol 4
Commission to John de Grey of Codenore, Robert de Swylyngton, John de Annesley,John Kentwode,Robert de Plesyngton and Robert de Cokfeld,knights,Thomas More,clerk, Hugh de Annesley,Robert Martell, Thomas Claymond and Thomas de Merdeleye to enquire touching the complaint of queen Anne and the people of the parts adjacent to Nottingham and Colwyk upon the river Trent that there has been heretofore in Colwyka trench by which part of the Trent water used to keep its course as far as the mills, weirs and stanks of Richard Biron in that town and descending through the weirs and mills fell into the Trent and by its fall and divers works, narrowings, breaches and risings in the trench and elsewhere in the river itself,the right course of the water is diverted, and the said Richard has kept the weirs and stanks closed and not open, so that ships and boats cannot go and return to the castle and town of Nottingham. If the commissioners find by inspection of the water or due information that the course of the river is so diverted, and that the said Richard keeps the weirs and stanks closed, they are empowered take order as they deem fit that ships and boats with victuals and merchandise pass up and down the channel of the river without obstruction.
29th Jan 1395 Westminster.Richard II vol 5
Appointment of John Blakot and John Dymmok to arrest in the ports of Chester and Lyverpole the ships necessary for the passage of Henry de Percy,knight, going to Ireland on the kind's service with 120 persons and 140 horses, and to choose mariners for the manning of the said ships and put them thereon at the charges of the said Henry. The like of John del Melys and Thomas Pyry,in all ports and places in England,for the passage of Richard de Grey,lord of Codenore,going with 50 men and 60 horses. The like of the king's serjeant-at-arms, John Lopham,in Bristol,for the ropassage of the king's uncle Thomas,duke of Gloucester, to Ireland with his men and 120 horses. The like of the king's serjeant-at-arins John Orwell,in the port of Chester
1st July 1395 Westminster.Richard II vol 5
Grant, for life or until further order, to Richard de grey of Codenore of 80 marks a year at the Exchequer. (vacated by surrender and cancelled because Henry IV granted to him for life or until further notice 100 Marks a year at the Exchequer on 7th March in the third year.).
28th Oct 1397 Richard II vol 6
Exemplification, at the request of Richard de Grey of Codenore, of letters patent dated at Westminster, 1 July in the nineteenth year, lost by accident, as he has sworn in Chancery (see above 1st July 1395).
4th Feb 1400 Westminster Henry IV vol 1
Licence,for 40 marks paid by her to the king,for Matilda late the wife of Ralph de Cromewell of Tateshale,knight,to enfeoff Thomas de Bardolf of Worinyngay,knight,Richard Gray of Codnore,knight,Robert de Scales of Noysilles,knight,John Copuldyk,knight,Thomas Dymmok, knight, William de Waltham, clerk, Simon de Burton, clerk, Simon Barette, Richard Gegge, Thomas de Enderby and Hugh de Gouderby of her manor of Candelesby, a messuage called 'le Grenegarth' a carucate and 44 acres of land, 48 acres of pasture, 47 acres of wood, £10.17s. 7d. rent and two parts of a messuage called 'Ledenhalle' in Boston and Old Bokenham, the third part of the manor of Wymondham and the forth part of the manor of Old Bokenham, held in chief.
4th July 1401 Westminster Henry IV vol 1
Commission of oyer and terminer to Richard Grey of Codnore Thomas Nevill of Furnyvall, William Gascoigne,William Thirnyng, Hugh de Shirley Nicholas de Langford,Nicholas Moungomery, Thomas Caworth, John Markham, Edmund Stanford and Thomas Foliambe on information that Robert Rye and certain other evil doers lay in ambush for George Birkesat Whitewell, co. Derby, and killed him at the high altar of the church.
4th July 1401 Westminster Henry IV vol 1
Inspeximus and confirmation of letters patent dated 7 September, 16 Richard II, granting licence for the foundation of a chantry of four chaplains in the church of St. Martin,Leycestre ; that they may pray also for the good estate of the king and his sons Henry,prince of Wales, Thomas,steward of England, John and Humphrey and his daughters Blanche and Philippa,and Richard Grey of Codenore, 'chivaler,' Henry de Bello Monte, 'chivaler,' William Ferrers of Groby,'chivaler,' Thomas Rempston,'chivaler,' Thomas Langley,clerk, John Elvet, clerk, Richard Elvet,archdeacon of Leicester,Simon Bache,clerk, John Yerdeburgh, clerk, John Neuton,clerk, William Wynsseby,clerk, Richard Kirkdone, clerk, William Decon,clerk, William Smyth,clerk, Ralph Skefyngton, John Cook and Alice his wife, John Lofeday and Agnes his wife, ThomasWakefeldand Amice his wife, Richard Knyghton, Roger Humberston and Margaret his wife, John Chirche and Katharine his wife, Richard Braunpston and Agnes his wife, Nicholas Barbour, John London and Elizabeth his wife, Robert Skilyngton and Joan his wife, Adam Cook and Amice his wife, Thomas atte Halle and Agnes his wife, John Flekeneyand Margaret his wife, Richard Thryngston and Joan his wife, John Monke and Margaret his wife, William Maltby and Margaret his wife, Richard Chaloner and Emma his wife, William Tumour, Margaret Chapman. Emma Humberston,Cecily Sproddeburgh,John Barbour, Isabel Brown, John Frenian, Amice Barewell,Ellen Clipston, Amico Fissher,William Dalby, Matilda Nicholl,Ralph Hurleman, Thomas Wenger,Thomas Donton and Agnes his wife, John Northburgh and the masters, brethren and sisters of the fraternity and gilds of Corpus Christi and St, Maryin the said church, and for their souls after death.
Byp.s. and for 20s. paid in the hanaper
25th April 1402 Westminster, Henry IV vol 2
Commission to John Parant, serjeant at arms, and Ralph Branktre, clerk, to take muster of the men at arms, armed men and archers going on the king's service to sea for the safe-keeping of the same in the company of Richard de Gray of Codenore, the king's admiral towards the North,who will shortly assemble in the port of Orwell
11th May 1402 Westminster Henry IV vol 2
Commission to Henry,bishop of Lincoln,WilliamFerrers of Groby,Richard Grey of Codenore,Thomas Rempston, 'chivaler/ Hugh Shirley,'chivaler' John Eynesford,'chivaler, Henry Neville,'chivaler' John Wolf, Edmund Bugge and Thomas Maundeville, in the county of Leicester. (as some of the king's subjects intending to subvert the laws and customs and good government of the realm, some of whom are at present captured and detained in prison in the Tower of London,tell many lies in divers parts of the realm in taverns and other congregations of the people, preaching among other things that the king has not kept the promises he made at his advent into the realm and at his coronation and in Parliaments and councils that the laws and laudable customs of the realm should be conserved), to bring to the notice of all the king's lieges of the said county that it always has been and will be the king's intention that the common wealth and laws and customs of the realm shall be observed and kept and that the impugners of the same and the preachers of these lies and their maintainers shall be punished, to enquire about the names of all such, to assemble the king's lieges of the county to resist them and to arrest and imprison all persons preaching such lies, and to certify thereon to the king and council from time to time.
21st Oct 1402 Westminster Henry IV vol 2
Testification, at the supplication of Robert Moton,that at the quinzaine of Trinity last he was on the king's service at sea with Richard de Grey of Codenore; as a writ of formedon was sued against him by William la Zouche of Tottoneys concerning a moiety of the manor of Stokemaundevile, co. Buckingham,and the process being continued until he waged his law against summons according to the law of the land, afterwards a day was given him by essoin until the quinzaine aforesaid, when he was on the king's service, and from then he was essoined until the morrow of Martinmas next.
20th Nov 1403 Westminster Henry IV vol 2
Commision of array to Henry de Bello Monte,Richard Grey of Codenore,William Ferrers of Groby,Thomas Rempston,Thomas Maureward,John de Berkeley,William Thirnyng,Robert Tirwhyt,Thomas Friseby, Richard Gascoigne, Thomas Sutton and William Palmer. for defence against certain of the king's enemies who have lately invaded the realm and burnt it in divers parts, certifying thereon to the king and council by the octaves of St. Hilary next
4th June 1405 Pontefract Castle Henry IV vol 3
Commission of over and terminer to Thomas Beaufort,Richard Grey of Codnore,William Gascoigne, John Stanley,William Fulthorpe,Richard Norton,John Conyers and Gilbert Elvet, touching all treasons, insurrections, rebellions and felonies committed by certain men of the city of York within the city and elsewhere within the county of York.
1st June 1410 Westminster Henry IV vol 4
Licence for 10 marks paid in the hanaper by the abbot and convent of Derley, for Nicholas Mountegomery,'chivaler,' Roger Leche 'chivaler' Robert Fraunceys, 'chivaler,' John Cokayn the elder, Peter de Melburn,Peter de la Pole and William de Babyngton to grant to them in mortmain a messuage, 7 bovates of land and 6 acres of wood in Ryppele and Wayngreve,held of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England by the service of 10s. yearly, an acre of land in Codenore, not held of the king, and 1 1/2 acres of land in Derby,held of the king in free burgage ; for the prior and brethren of the Hospital to release to them the said yearly rent of 10s.and for them to re-grant to the said prior and brethren a yearly rent of 10s. from the said messuage, bovates of land and wood.
18th March 1411 Westminster Henry IV vol 4
Commission of over and terminer to Thomas, earl of Arundel. Richard Grey of Codnore. Edward Charleton of Powys and John Preston touching all treasons, insurrections, rebellions and felonies committed in the county of Surrey.
26th April 1412 Westminster Henry IV vol 4
Grant to the king's kinsman Richard Grey of Codnore,the king's chamberlain, of full power and authority over the king's lieges going in his company to sea for the safe-conduct of certain ambassadors of the parts beyond the seas coming to the king's person to treat of certain busines.
14th May 1415 Leicester Henry V vol 1
Whereas the priory of Reppyngdon, of the foundation of the king's progenitors and of the king's patronage, is charged with so much debt by lack of good rule and by corrodies granted and ruinous demises of its possessions at farm and excessive expenses of the presidents that divine worship ceases there and alms and other works of piety are withdrawn and the dispersal of the canons is to be feared. The king has taken the priory with all things belonging to it and the corrodies and farms thus granted into his hand during pleasure, and committed the keeping of the priory and its manors, lands,rents, things and faculties to Richard Grey of Codnore,Thomas Grysley,Robert Fraunceys and Peter Melbourne so that all issues beyond the necessary maintenance of the canons and their servants shall be expended on the succour of the house and the corrodies, farms and other charges shall cease until the priory is relieved, and suspected persons shall be removed ; and has granted protection.
5th Feb 1416 Westminster. Henry V vol 1
Commission to Richard de Grey of Codenore,' chivaler,' and John Nevylle,'chivaler,' to receive Henry son of Henry de Percy,' chivaler,'from those who will deliver him to them on behalf of the duke of Albany,governor of the kingdom of Scotland,and bring him to the king's person.
1st May 1421 Westminster, Henry V vol 2
Commission to John,lord of Grey of Codenore,to take a ship or ships and masters and mariners for the governance of the same in the port of Suthampton for the passage of himself and othres in his company on the Kings service to the Duchy of Normandy.
1434 Derby Henry VI Vol 2
William,bishop of Coventry and Lichfield,and Henry de Grey of Codnore, with Richard Vernon and John Cokayn,knights of the shire for the county of Derby,commissioners to take the oath of the following :
Robert Caryngton. Nicholas Maysham. Thomas Stokkes. John Wyther. Thomas Heuster. Roger Wolley. John Strelley. John Alibon. John Chester. John Wandell. John Hoghton. William Orme. William Burton. William Rosell. Henry Sanky. Thomas del Heye. William Peek. Thomas Peek. Thomas robard,'brasier' Robert Warpeley. John Fasakirley. Henry Bancroft. John Hegge. Robert Shore. Henry Crabbe. John Cook. Richard Peek. Robert Hewster. John Tykhull. Edmund Jonson. John Stretton. Henry Shepherd. Thomas Draper. William Throstell. John Burton. William Maskyr. William Salteby. Robert Stanley, 'smyth.' Thomas Stanley 'Irnemonger.' Henry Cook. Edmund Lacy. John Pesall. John Peek,'coryour.' John Benet, 'brasier' Nicholas Lacy. John Bywatyr. John Spycer. John Lokyer the elder. John Lokyer the younger. Richard Baker. John Dunston. Thomas Stanley'smyth.' William Smyth,'taillour.' John Wodecok. RobertClerk,'smyth.' John Manyashe,'glover.' Nicholas Cust. Robert Hudgray. John Greteoler. Richard Walker. John Butler. John Chestirshire. John Bower the elder. John Bower the young John Halom Nicholas Baxter William Cartewryght Richard Brown 'skynner'
14th Feb 1437 Westminster Henry IV vol 3
Inspeximus and confirmation of letters patent of the king's kinsman Edmund Beauford, count of Mortaigne, dated 12 June, 12 Henry VI, granting to Ralph, lord Cromwell, of all the estate which the said Edmund had by a grant to him by Queen Joan, dated at her manor of Langley,20 January, 3 of HenryVI, in the offices of the constabulary of the castle of Notyngham and the keeping of Shirwode forest for her life, and £20 a year at her Receipt for the wages and fees of the offices: and grant by the king,that if the queen predecease Ralph, he shall have the offices of the constableship of Notyngham castle and keeping of Shirwode forest and the parks of Beskwodo and Clipston with all wages, fees, meadows, feedings,pastures, mills, fisheries and all rights, emoluments, commodities and appurtenances as fully as William Arundell knight, had in the time of Richard II, or Thomas Kempston, knight, or Richard Grey, knight,late lord of Codnore, had in the time of Henry IV, notwithstanding that there is no mention in these letters patent of previous grants to him. Byp.s. and for 1/2 mark paid in the hanaper.
10th March 1441 Henry IV vol 3
Pardon to Henry, lord of Grey, alias Henry Grey of Codnore,co. Derby, esquire, of all murders, felonies, trespasses, insurrections, rebellions, offences, contempts, riots, meetings, unlawful gatherings, extortions, misprisions, oppressions, conspiracies, maintenances, confederacies, liveries of cloth and caps, false allegiance and other crimes before Whitsuntide in the seventeenth year, and of all fines and penalties incurred thereby.
24th May 1443 Henry VI vol 4 Westminster
Pardon to John Skyflyn late of Codnore, co. Derby,esquire, alias John Brokstowo of Covontre,co. Warwick, 'gentilman,' alias John Skyfelyn alias John Skyflyn late of Brokstowe, co. Nottingham, alias John Skiflyn for all felonies,trespasses,offences, contempts, extortions and riots committed by him hitherto and any consequent outlawry.
20th July 1443 Westminster Henry VI vol 4
Pardon to John Clugh,late of Castelton, co. Derby, 'yoman,' alias of Codnore, co. Derby, alias John son of Thomas Clough,of the king's suit against him for all treasons,felonies and trespasses committed by him before the date of these presents and of any consequent outlawry.
28th Oct 1443 Westminster Henry VI vol 4
Pardon to Robert,servant of Richard Newport late of Codenore,co. Derby,'yoman,' of the king's suit against him touching his indictment in the county of Nottingham of having with others assaulted and wounded William Chambur and John Pygot on Monday after All Saints' Day, 13 Henry VI, at Oxton and robbed them of 20s. in coin; and of any consequent outlawry
16th Nov 1443 Westminster Henry VI vol 4
Pardon to Robert Smalley of Alweston, co. Derby,'gentilman,'indicted twice of having on the eve of St. James the Apostle consorted with and abetted John Cambridge late of Lenton, co. Nottingham,monk, late cellarer of the priory of Lenton, Ralph de Newham of Burgh by Tyddeswall, co. Derby,'yoman,' Thomas Curteys late of Codenore, co. Derby, 'yoman,' John Mayhowe late of the 'same,'yoman' Robert Richard 'servante' Neuport late of the same.'knafe,' John de Ambaston late of Horseley,co. Derby, 'sithesmyth,' Henry Ambaston late of Codenore, 'knafe,' Richard Dancus late of the same, 'knafe.' James Kylchiff late of the same, 'gentilman,' and HenryTaillour of Ripley, co. Derby, 'taillour,' who with others unknown to the number of sixteen persons on Thursday before St. Laurence the Martyr,18 HenryVI,stole at Lenton and Matlok,co. Derby,20 oxen worth 20 mark's of John Elyngham,prior of Lenton,-of teh kings suit against him and any consequent outlawry.
22nd May 1444 Westminster Henry VI vol 4
Pardon to Robert Henreson of Denby,co. Derby,'husbondman,' of his outlawry in the county for not appearing before Thomas Kulthorpand his fellows, justices to enquire touching murders and other offences,to answer the king touching divers trespasses. he having surrendered to the Marshalsea prison, as John Fortescu, chief justice,has certified. The like to John, son of William Cowper,of Denby,'knave,' and William Saunderson of Codnore, co. Derby, 'whelewryght'
30th Oct 1444 Westminster Henry VI vol 4
Pardon to John Foljambe of Codnore, co. Derby,'nayler,'of his outlawry in the county for not appearing before the king to answer touching divers trespasses; 'he having surrendered to the Marshalsea prison, as John Fortescu, chief justice of the King's Bench, has certified. The like to Thomas, son of the said John, of Denby,co. Derby,'laborer.'